Friday, September 7, 2012

Faith without works ? The Gomes Family Blog

Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. ?-James 2:17

Yesterday I was presented with a perfect example of why it is so important to actively live out our faith. ?As most of you know, Ed and I maintain the Bound 4 Life Grand Prairie Facebook page. ?Recently, the page got quite a bit of attention as one of our photos was featured in a?Bound 4 Life blog article?which was then featured on Life Site News?. ?Yesterday, I logged onto Facebook to find the following post on Bound 4 Life Grand Prairie:

Are You going to adopt a child in your life? Who?s going to feed, nurture, clothe these unwanted sacs of cells? History repeats itself when a child is given no childhood, grows up in poverty going from foster home to foster home. Are YOU going to adopt? I am Pro-Choice, not Pro-Abortion. Nobody wants an abortion to say they?ve done it. It?s a painful process physically and mentally and any women that decides to go through that, hasn?t been careless in THEIR CHOICE. MY BODY, MY CHOICE.

This person appears to live in Indiana and I?m not sure how she came into contact with our B4L chapter, unless through one of these article. ?At any rate, this was my response to her comment:

Actually, my husband and I have adopted a child and are planning to adopt more. We had our first biological daughter the year after we were married and when she was 5 months old we began the process of adopting our very special son. See, he was at risk of being ?stuck? in the foster system because of a severe intellectual disability and severe behavior problems. In fact, he bumped in out out of 7 foster homes in 3 years. He?s been with us for 2 years now and our family is not complete without him. I love my son deeply. Surely you are not saying that he would have been better off dead simply because of the hardships he endured early in his life? My son loves life. He has the best belly laugh you?ve ever heard and has the sweetest smile. I think he?s quite happy to be alive and a part of our family. I understand your point. I think the suffering that foster children endure is appalling. In fact, my husband and I think children without families are the most important people on earth and we have decided to dedicate our lives to seeing them find families. We hope to adopt as many as we possibly can and we hope to inspire many more families to do the same. It is important to note however, that if a woman chooses to make an adoption plan for her child while she is still pregnant, that child will never end up in foster care, but will have the blessing of a wonderful family from the day he or she is born. What?s more, the birth mother gets to select the family for her child. Finally, I would never begin to insinuate that any woman who has chosen abortion has done so without consideration. In fact, I have many friends who have had abortions. It was a very painful event in their lives and caused them great mental and emotional turmoil?so much so that they now speak out against it because of the great harm abortion causes women and their unborn children. Anyway, to answer your question, yes, I am going to to adopt, have adopted, and will always encourage others to do so. Children are a priceless gift and I will receive as many of those gifts as God chooses to give me. Thanks for stopping by. :)

Out of possibly hundreds of B4L chapters, this commenter happened to choose one that is run by Ed and me to make accusatory comments about adoption. ?Well, perhaps God directed her there. ?When my husband and I were dating and made the decision that ours would be an adoptive family, James 2:17 was one of the passages that formed the basis of that decision. ?I?m sure you will all agree that my response to her comment would not have been nearly as powerful if I had said, ?Well, you know, we have thought about it,? or ?Well, we know many people who have adopted.? ?Instead, I was able to confront her (in love) regarding her insinuation that my precious, beloved son would be better off dead. ?As of yet, she has not replied. ?Whether she does or not, I am thankful that God was able to use my life to plant some seeds into this person?s precious life. ?I pray that the seeds will take root and bear much fruit in her heart.

Loving life!


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